
Search without tracking

How does it work?

  • Type your search query in the address bar.
  • A link to search without tracking is provided.
  • Click on the link to open the advanced privacy setting page.
  • Customize your privacy search settings.
  • Click "Continue to search".

Search without tracking




Send the Do Not Track header in every request


Do Not Track

Send the do not track me header on every request



Block Chrome from sending referres with your requests



block Chrome from sending referrers with your requests


Third-Party Cookies

Block third party cookies


Alternate Error Pages

Disable navigation errors web-services

search engines

Supported Search Engines

After this extension has been added to your Chrome browser, your default search engine will be modified to our private search domain powered by Yahoo. In this extension, we support Yahoo, Google, and Bing. If you want to select a different search engine as your default, you can easily do so inside the Settings of this extension.


Frequently asked Questions

Do you want to ask us a question?

Imagine that you have been rehearsing for months of proposing to your girlfriend and you also researched online for many options of wedding rings. One evening when you open your browser to look for a movie to watch with your girlfriend, all of a sudden, wedding ring and venue advertisements flooded your search result feeds and your social media pages… What an awkward moment! Our extension vows to protect your privacy by enabling advanced settings, blocking a series of online tracking activities, and minimizing your browsing footprint.

Although we do our best to minimize your online browsing footprint, it's important to know that no technical methods of search without tracking is 100% bulletproof. As the internet develops, more and more tracking methods are developed. We will keep up with the latest trends and aim to improve our product all the time.

In order to provide you the search without tracking link from inside the autocomplete area of the address bar, we need to put our private search domain as a placeholder. However, in this extension we support multiple search engines. You can go to the Settings of this extension and select the one you need at any time.

Thanks for your help! We would be more than happy to receive your feedback on our product. Your feedback really help us improve. Please shoot us an email from the Contact page.

I'm sorry to hear that you are leaving. For detailed instructions on how to remove this extension from your browser, please visit our Uninstall page.